My relationship with Manav Seva Ashram is from its beginning. When I was working as the chief district officer in Chitwan, two things brought me closer to the ashram. A couple with two children were living in a careless condition in a square near the airport. Every day, especially when I saw the condition of the children, I felt very sad. After discussing with activists like Mina Kharel working in the field of wall protection, arrangements were made to rescue the children and keep them in ideal homes. But there was no such place to keep the prostitute couple. At that time, I deeply felt the need for a shelter for those who live a miserable life on the streets as prostitutes.
Likewise, a young man with wounds on both legs was seen crawling on the street in front of my residence, which made me even more shocked. And the need for such an ashram was felt even more. It is said that "the best life; Rupa Ji, the activist of Shaswat Chintan, is taking initiatives to establish a human service ashram in Chitwan. A combination of emotional wave, met with him and with the help of Bharatpur (then) sub-metropolitan municipality and the harmony of various well-wishers, the Ashram was started. Before that, “the best life; Under the leadership of Ramji Adhikari, Manavsewa Ashram was started in Hetauda with the motivation of Prof. Dr. Govind Tandan, the thinker of Shaswat Chintan.
Later, I got a chance to interview Dr. Tandon and Ramji ji in various programs for the promotion of human services. It was as if the emotional waves were moving, after some time, I was transferred to Makwanpur again, and I not only got a chance to closely observe the services of the human service ashram, but also got a chance to participate in some programs. It is unforgettable that Vali, who was staying at the ashram, attended the first annual festival and observed the construction of the ashram being built there. After that, Manavseva Ashram and its campaign became an emotional part of life. In the years 2072, 2074 and 2075, I was able to dedicate the "Bhibh Maya Prosthana Puraskar" Manavseva Ashram established in the name of my deceased mother and father.
With the speed of time, the ashrams were expanding in different places of Nepal due to the hard work of the campaigners. In the meantime, even though he was living in America, the activities of the activists were being informed through social networks. He was happy but also sad when he couldn't be involved. But where was such divine power in him and the wave of emotion pulled him again, and after returning, he had to serve in Province No. 5. On the second day of reaching Butwal, Ramji Guru was contacted and talked about establishing an ashram in Butwal. Needless to say, they could have thought of that too. After that, what is needed and emotion is a great power.
The dedication of the Bhim Maya Incentive Award, 2074 was a program organized to establish an ashram in Butwal, discussions with the stakeholders including the Butwal sub-municipalities, volunteers to serve were also prepared. They are also getting ready for service, they are happy to be able to inspire such motivation. It was said to start the service in collaboration with the sub-metropolitan municipality, but it did not happen. Where the land was fixed, the surrounding residents did not accept it. But the campaign did not stop; After a few months, the service of the ashram started from a rented house elsewhere. When this happened, he was not able to do anything big, but he felt like he had won a big battle in his heart.
I felt that the reward of the name of my grandfather was meaningful. Jagire life was like that, it was still like that at that time, there was no address when to move to where; The opening day of the implementation of federalism. Transferred to Karnali Province. When I got the information about the transfer, the first thing that came to my mind was that Manavseva Ashram will be expanded to Karnali (Surkhet) as well. By that time, the activists had expanded ashrams in various places including Virgunj, Pokhara and had also carried forward the campaign to declare Nepal's roads unmanned by the year 2082. I also felt that the campaign had become a part of me.
On the first birthday of her daughter Khushi who was in the ashram.
After reaching Karnali region, the activist contacted Ramji Guru and Rupazi. There was nothing they would not accept. Ram Prasad Thapalia, then Chief Secretary of the State Government, was the Chief District Officer of Makwanpur during the Ashram's establishment, so he would have been familiar with the Ashram and the campaign. And immediately, a discussion was held by calling the activists. Their speech and the presentation of their work made everyone present emotional as well as motivated. In the very first program, it was like a competition to announce the donation amount.
What did the actors want? On top of that, the commitment of the Virendranagar Municipality and the Ministry of Social Development. Within about a month, the ashram was started in a rented house. In that ceremony which was inaugurated by the Chief Minister of the Provincial Government, Mahendra Bahadur Shahi, I had the opportunity to dedicate the Bhim Maya Encouragement Award, 2075 established in memory of my grandfather for the third time. done At present, sixty people seeking help are taking shelter in the Surkhet Ashram under the efficient leadership of Srijana Ji.
From time to time, there are various programs to promote the spirit of human service. Coincidentally, now I have been promoted and became the Chief Secretary of Bagmati Province, and I had the opportunity to come to Makwanpur district, where the Ashram's head office is located, and I happened to participate in the eighth annual celebration of the Ashram. My involvement is human service. It happened right from the beginning of the ashram. During this time, in my experience, people have been coming to the streets, abandoned by society, family and themselves due to various violence. And the greatest cure for such a person is love and respect. This has been confirmed by the unnatural change in their behavior after coming to the ashram.
What is even more important is the service of the volunteers who bring them to the ashram and dedicate themselves to their service. It is no less challenging to take care of such people who are mentally deranged and physically disabled. But when you see the service done by the young servants working there every day, it seems that the divine power is in their behavior. No one can do it; Nor is this possible only by getting caught up in emotions. For that, you need strong spiritual power. To build such strength, we need the company of Ramji Guru, Dr. We need the spiritual knowledge of Tandon, and the dedication of actors like Rupaji and Srijanaji.
I feel that I am fortunate to be able to closely observe such actions and campaigns and even to participate in the program sometimes. Dedicating the Bhim Maya Incentive Award of 2075 on the occasion of the opening of the Ashram in Surkhet. . In 2082, the campaign to make Nepal a country without people on the road should be completed and no one should spend a beautiful life on the road; Best wishes. (The writer is the Principal Secretary of Bagmati Province)
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