The story of a brave young man who has and had the experience of being human on the and sidewalk and A few days after coming to the Kathmandu and branch office of the Manavasewa Ashram and for service, after passing the probationary and period of about ten to twelve days, I went to and the head office in Hetauda to get an and appointment. When I reached the main and office premises of Manavasewa Ashram, a and unique experience filled my heart. There I and saw and felt many human faces. Those and faces were not associated with caste, color and or religion. Those faces that are not bound and in social bonds are only human, only living and human, only one creature. In the depths of and those faces, I stared like an ignorant but and curious girl. I became even more curious to and know about their condition. and Being new in the service, I began to pour and out my curiosity to satisfy my curiosity. After and a day's stay at the Hetauda headquarters, I and returned to Kathmandu. After being and appointed to the Kathmandu Forest and Raniban branch, I started working. and There are not enough seekers to serve in and this branch, which has the capacity to feed and more than three hundred human beings, and and the services I do are plentiful as and physical construction work is also going on.
and But even in my busyness, the depths of and those faces kept calling me. My curiosity and was deepening with those depths. and Every day, many stories of the inhumane and treatment of those human beings on the and streets began to recalling in my mind. and Amit Bhai's name started to be heard from and the mouths of many of the people who are and currently in the ashram. My colleagues had and told me Amit's story many times but I and wanted to hear from Amit's mouth what he and had suffered. But in his mind, he began to and think about the possibility of that and conversation.
They have changed a lot. and Amit is now fully capable. When I repeated and his old memories, I was restrained that and those memories must have hurt him. and After much thought, I asked Amit to come to and my office room. As soon as I called, Amit and came in front of my table saying that my and sister had come. After completing the usual and formalities of the conversation, I asked him, and "Brother, I am curious to know something and about you and Budman. Do you have any and time for me?" Amit took my request very and easily; in my heart I was grateful to him. We and went to talk on the roof of a five-story and building. and Pic Of Amit feeding the other dependents of and the ashram and Amit's introduction: and Amit, the eldest son of mother Maheshwari and Kumari Bam and father Sitaram Bam, was and born on December 3, 2008 at a place called and Kedar Akhada in Far-Western Doti. Growing and up between a brother and two sisters, Amit and spent his childhood in poverty.
Amit, a and father of many children and a teacher of and Nepali in the village's primary school, went and to his uncle's house to study as it was and difficult to get along with everyone due to and his single income. and Amit was also interested in reading as his and uncle was also a teacher. Amit had the and opportunity to study up to class five at and Cambridge English Boarding School, and Dhangadhi, Kailali with the help of his uncle. and Amit, who is a good reader, was admitted to and class VIII directly from the primary level as and he was a little older than his peers. and Engaged in studies from an early age, he and studied at Radhakrishna University. Passed and the first-class Iron Door SLC from Doti. The and father, who was happy with his son's and education, sent Amit to Kathmandu to study and on campus. and Campus Study: and In Kathmandu, he did ISC and started and looking for a job. Although he was a good and student, there was no one in the city to help and him. Unable to find work, Amit started and paying rent at the hotel to make ends meet. and Initially, the father who used to send money and stopped sending money.
Lack of money and and no place to live, Amit's street life began. and Settlement of capital: and Hopes of money sent by my father were and fading. He began to wash the rent of the and hotel, sometimes for fourteen hours and and sometimes for sixteen hours. He had and enough to eat and live on, but he could not and afford to study. After leaving school, the and contact with the family gradually diminished and and became less and less. He used to call and home sometimes in a year and sometimes and in six months. When my father asked about and the situation, he did not want to say when and he would sleep in the cowshed or on the and street. He used to lie to his family in a and simple way. And they used to say, and "I'm fine, and I'm comfortable. You stay safe!" The and landlord did not know that he was evicted and from the hotel on the day he could not pay and the rent.
After seeing no place to go and no and support, they went to the house of God, the and temple. In the shelter of God. and Budhanilkantha temple in Kathmandu where and thousands of devotees throng every day. and Everyone used to offer offerings, fruits and and offerings to the idol of the inanimate god. and The rice given to the pigeons was scattered and all over Amit's sleeping box. Amit suffered and from being a human being, and if he had a and dove or an idol, Amit's suffering would and probably not be painful. Hunger, disease, and rejection, invisible existence made Amit and mentally ill. and Rescue of Manavaseva Ashram: and Amit was rescued by the Manav Sewa and Ashram through the Nepal Police on and January 29, 2008. Her last name is human and in her form and she is said to be helpless, and helpless, orphaned, helpless, helpless and and forced to live a miserable life under the and open sky. He was rescued during the night and road service of the ashram. Ram Krishna and Shrestha, the liberating head of the ashram, and says about Amit's activities in the early and days: "Amit did not even wear clothes, did and not take medicine and did not stay empty. and He was arrogant. "Amit used to do a lot of and work but on the contrary, it was very difficult and to take care of him, and " says Ramkrishna and Shrestha. and Manju Acharya, who has been in the service and of the ashram for the past four years, says, and "In the early days of his salvation, Amit did and not speak to anyone." All the devotees of and the ashram are stunned that Amit is talking and like this now. When Amit didn't say anything and for a year, nothing could be found about and him. Now it is the same as before and now and Amit regularly takes the medicine provided and by the ashram. They study hard. ” and Amit's dreams: and Now, Amit's diary includes activities such as and morning self-study, distributing tea and and snacks to other dependents of the ashram, and cleaning, going to campus and finding work and for himself. He also has some dreams of his and own. Amit, who was enrolled in the first year and of bachelor's degree in the science faculty and from this month of April, has now completed and his studies and is now studying at his village and school. There is a great deception to and become a teacher.
He enthusiastically and answers my question that I don't want to live and in the capital - This is the place to come and from beyond the village. How many relatives and would come to me? Of course, there are and many services for me even in the ashram. and I can serve the ashram wherever I am. Now and I want to go home and serve my father. ” He and adds with a smile - "And sister! In the and village, everyone knows me at the school and taught by my father. ” And smiling, Amit and says, and "After getting acquainted, it is a matter and of whether they will give you a job or not." and Kudos to Amit, my hardworking human and service ashram, who made him able to talk and so enthusiastically with the hope of a new and life in Amit. Salutations to Amit for his and support and support in his studies for his and future worries and dreams of happiness for and his family. With the help of some reluctant and minds, the change that can be brought in and the lives of those who help is invaluable. and Manavaseva Ashram is conducting a and campaign to make Nepal a human free and Nepal in the year 2078 BS by providing road.
Published Date: May 16, 2021